Care 1st
Training Group

12 Days of Holiday Safety

   Day 1: Decorate Safely

  • Never leave burning candles unattended.
  • Check all holiday light cords to ensure they aren’t frayed or broken.
  • Don’t string too many strands of lights together — no more than three per extension cord.
  • Ensure outside decorations are for outdoor use and fasten lights securely to your home or trees.

Day 2: Artificial Christmas Tree Safety

  • Choose a Flame-Resistant Tree
  • Inspect the Tree for damage
  • Use indoor lights.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets.
  • Secure the tree.
  • Use non-breakable decorations if you have young children around.
  • Turn off lights when unattended.

Day 3: Real Christmas Tree Safety

  • Choose a fresh tree with vibrant green needles.
  • Water regularly; Keep the tree stand filled with water.
  • Securely anchor the tree.
  • Keep away from heat sources such as fireplaces, radiators, heaters and other heat sources.
  • Use only lights that are made for indoor use on your tree.

Day 4: Fire Safety Tips

  • Choose a fresh tree with vibrant green needles.
  • Water regularly; Keep the tree stand filled with water.
  • Securely anchor the tree.
  • Keep away from heat sources such as fireplaces, radiators, heaters and other heat sources.
  • Use only lights that are made for indoor use on your tree.

Day 5: Secure your Packages

  • Schedule deliveries when you’re home.
  • Opt for delivery alerts & notifications to receive real-time updates on the status of your package.
  • Request a signature upon delivery.
  • If possible, have packages delivered to your workplace or a trusted neighbor who is home during the day.
  • Utilize package locker services offered by some carriers or retail locations.

Day 6: Kitchen Safety

  • Keep an eye on the stove and oven while cooking.
  • Use a timer to prevent overcooking and burning.
  • Keep flammable items, like kitchen towels and curtains, away from heat sources.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it.
  • Avoid wearing loose clothing that can catch fire easily.
  • Keep a clean and clutter-free cooking area to prevent accidents.
  • Use oven mitts or pot holders when handling hot cookware.
  • Keep children and pets away from the cooking area to prevent accidents.
  • Double-check that all appliances are turned off after use.
  • Properly store and handle raw food to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Day 7: Winter Driving Wisdom

  • Check Conditions: Monitor weather and road reports before traveling.
  • Clear Vehicle: Remove all snow and ice for visibility and safety.
  • Drive Slowly: Reduce speed in adverse conditions for better control.
  • Increase Distance: Maintain a safe following distance for added reaction time.
  • Brake Gently: Avoid skidding by braking gently, especially with ABS.
  • No Cruise Control: Avoid using cruise control in icy or snowy conditions.
  • Use Lights: Keep headlights on for increased visibility.
  • Stay Informed: Listen to weather and traffic updates for changing conditions.
  • Watch for Black Ice: Be cautious, especially on bridges and overpasses.

Day 8: Keep Pets Safe

  • Secure Decorations: Anchor the Christmas tree and choose pet-safe decorations.
  • Avoid Toxic Plants: Keep toxic holiday plants away from pets.
  • Create a Safe Space: Provide a quiet, safe retreat for pets during gatherings.
  • Watch Table Scraps: Avoid feeding pets harmful table scraps.
  • Limit Treats: Stick to pet-friendly treats to avoid digestive issues.
  • Update ID and Microchip: Ensure pet identification is current.
  • Avoid Toxic Foods: Keep harmful foods like chocolate and onions out of reach.
  • Monitor Stress Levels: Watch for signs of stress or anxiety in pets.

Day 9: Alcohol Awareness

  • Moderation: Enjoy alcohol in moderation.
  • Designated Drivers: Plan for a sober driver.
  • Alternate Drinks: Offer non-alcoholic options.
  • Stay Hydrated: Balance with water.
  • Know Limits: Be aware of personal tolerance.
  • Eat Before Drinking: Consume food to slow absorption.
  • Watch for Interactions: Be cautious with medications.
  • Educate Youth: Discuss dangers of underage drinking.

Day 10: Childproofing for Guests

  • Outlet Covers: Cover electrical outlets to avoid shocks.
  • Cord Safety: Keep cords and blinds out of reach.
  • Childproof Cabinets: Lock away cleaning products and potential hazards.
  • Secure Decorations: Ensure decorations are safely secured.
  • Choking Hazards: Remove small objects from children’s reach.
  • Fireplace Guards: Use guards to protect children from the fireplace.
  • Candle Caution: Keep candles out of reach and never leave them unattended.
  • Safe Plants: Ensure holiday plants are non-toxic.
  • Supervision is Key: Always supervise young children during festivities.

Day 11: Mental Health Manners

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Manage goals and expectations.
  • Prioritize Rest: Ensure sufficient and quality sleep.
  • Schedule “Me” Time: Allocate time for personal activities.
  • Stay Active: Incorporate regular physical activity.
  • Connect with Loved Ones: Spend quality time with friends and family.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and set limits.
  • Enjoy Simple Pleasures: Appreciate small joys of the season.
  • Reflect and Gratitude: Reflect on positives and practice gratitude.
  • Unplug: Take breaks from screens and social media.

Day 12: Fireplace Safety

  • Chimney Check: Ensure a clean, well-maintained chimney.
  • Protective Screen: Use a screen to prevent sparks.
  • Flammable Safety: Keep decorations away from the fireplace.
  • Supervise Kids and Pets: Always monitor children and pets around the fireplace.
  • Dry Wood Only: Burn only dry, seasoned wood to prevent creosote buildup.
  • Extinguish Before Bed: Ensure the fire is out before bedtime.
  • CO Detectors: Install and check carbon monoxide detectors regularly.

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